Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holiday Blog Hop- Our Christmas Story

Thank you to everyone participating in our Holiday Blog Hop.  Jenny and I are excited to share our story and read everyone's entries.  Our story is in two parts, the first half, written by me, is below and the second, written by my friend Jenny Morris is on her blog.  You will also find the list of all participants there so you can read their entries.  And away we go!

It was lunchtime on the 22nd of December when Violet and Sophia opened their front door in response to the chime of the doorbell. Sitting on the step was not a person, nor anything that could have rung the bell at all. Instead there was a plain brown box standing as high as Violet's ten-year-old knees and wider than Sophia could reach her arms.

The box had not come through the mail. There were no stamps and no address. The only thing adorning the top of the box was a small white label that read, “Violet age 10, Sophia age 8”. On the side of the box in huge block letters were two words written in black ink: “Kaffeklubben Island”.

Violet put a finger to her lips to quiet the chatter she knew Sophia was dying to share and pointed towards the kitchen where their mother was listening to the radio while she baked. Sophia nodded and the two girls started to drag the box inside. They managed to wrangle it down the hall and into the bedroom they shared where Violet immediately logged on to the computer. Tap, tap, tap went the keyboard as Violet typed. “Tell me what’s going on!” Sophia begged, but Violet didn’t answer her. Violet loved Sophia, but she could be so little sister-y sometimes. Suddenly Violet turned around and said quietly, “I knew it!” She turned the computer so Sophia could see too.

“Kaffeklubben Island is the closest land mass to the North Pole.”

Hop to Jenny's Blog for part two. 


  1. Aaargh - she hasn't posted it yet :-)

  2. Lol, I was like, 'wait! I'm not done reading!' I'll have to hop on over when she posts it. :)

  3. It's up! http://jennysimaginaryworld.blogspot.com/

  4. That is so cute! Going to read the rest :)

  5. I think I had a conversation like this with one of my sisters.
    You captured their young voices well!

  6. My half is up and running. Sorry Blogger failed me with my auto post.

  7. Ditto what E.R. King said. You nailed the little girl voice! On I go to read the second half! Thanks for the fun blog hop this morning!

  8. Oh, and BTW. Megan so super awesome. Thanks for doing this with me. I kinda want a little holiday book with all the stories in it now. ;0)

  9. I can't wait to see where this tale takes Violet and Sophia!!! I hope I get a box marked Kaffeklubben Island this December : ) This is so fun.

  10. I my gosh - this is too cool. Fun that you guys are splitting. Now I have to hurry over to Jenny's so I know how it end! :)

  11. Lovin' it so far!

    Thanks for this fun blogfest. I've had a blast reading all the short stories:)

  12. Loved this line--Sitting on the step was not a person, nor anything that could have rung the bell at all--This is exactly how kids think. Now I need to read Jenny's


I love to get comments! Please keep them PG as I am writing for kids and young adults and hope some of them will find their way here.