Monday, February 27, 2012

First Annual National Critique Partner Appreciation Day

Hey- have you heard about the new holiday coming up this Friday March 2?  No?  That's because I've just invented it.  It's National Critique Partner Appreciation Day!  So send your CPs lots of encouragement, love, and lavish gifts. 
Today I received a package in the mail with a completely unexpected present from my mother-in-law and a card saying she decided to create National Daughter-In-Law Appreciation Day.  LOVED it!  In honor of her awesomeness, I decided to pass it on.
Soo, spread the word and let me know what you decide to gift to your Critique Partner this Friday.  I would have created a logo, but I'm not very artistic even with a computer.  If anyone does create one, send me a link.
Have a great week!


  1. I love this idea. We shall spread it through the interwebs.

    1. Okay, blogger just made fun of me as one of my words to prove I wasn't a robot was Shatnery.... How does blogger know?

    2. Yes- herald the news far and wide!
      Blogger is all knowing- beware!

  2. Aw, what a cute idea. I should send my CP's something this Friday. They're amazing!
    Hmm, but what? Apparently I don't have long to think of something. We'll see how this goes.

    1. Hi McKenzie- I am thinking of sending virtual Amazon gift certificates and lots of nice words.

  3. Oh man, Child #1 has been sick so I haven't been online in days. I didn't know you were cooking this up. Hmm...will have to ponder. Love this idea!

    1. Jenny, I am so sorry to hear kid #1 has been under the weather! Poor kid; I hope he is feeling better. I didn't know I was cooking this up either, but I hope it becomes a thing!

  4. Great holiday invention! Groovy blog too:)

  5. Love your new holiday!

    And I love your blog! I'm a new follower, I found the link to your blog on Mark's Blog O'Hop.
    Have a nice beginning of the week!


    1. Hi Jay! Thanks for embracing National Critique Partner Appreciation Day. I'll see you at the Blog O'Hop!

  6. Hi there, I came over here from Mark Koopman's Irish bloghop link list. I really like what you've written in your, 'About the Blog,' section. Strangely, you're right. The writing is the easiest leg of the journey.

    1. Hi Suze, I know, right? You'd think after the blood, sweat, and tears of writing a novel, the rest would be a piece of cake. So, not the case!


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