Saturday, May 28, 2011


It's not always about the ideas.  You can have the most detailed ideas for your novel fresh in your mind, but without the ability to translate that onto the page, you don't actually have anything.  That's where inspiration enters the picture.  Everyone gets the will to do the work from different things.  I get it from reading other people's truly excellent writing.  To that end, I am filled with inspiration after reading the wonderful Divergent by Veronica Roth.  The characters were flawlessly constructed, the plot moved quickly, and most importantly, the story was fresh and exciting.  Reading this fantastic debut novel last night made me want to be a better writer and gave me the drive to start doing that immediately.  To see my review of Divergent and my other one sentence reviews, click on that page above.

1 comment:

I love to get comments! Please keep them PG as I am writing for kids and young adults and hope some of them will find their way here.