Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10,000 words and bit on HYPE

Enough has grown to be just about enough with my procrastination and so I am committing to writing 10,000 words in the next two days on The Guardians of Ben Q. Flanders.  Pinky swear.  Now that I have exhausted  all of the episodes of Psych available to me on Netflix, I really have no choice (unless miraculously season five becomes available in the next day). 
In the past two days I have read two YA books that received enormous critical acclaim and then (in one case at least) the perhaps inevitable backlash.  I have never understood this- the backlash against things that are well received.  Why do so many people feel the need to dislike what is well liked?  I am not a fan of the too cool for school crowd.  The result is that those who create need to both worry that their work will not be well received and that it will be too well received.  At any rate, I read looking for alaska by John Green today and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie yesterday and really enjoyed them both.  Both were very worthy of the praise and awards.  You can see my reviews on the "One Sentence Reviews" tab.

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